Nha Trang One

A small restaurant in the middle of a large city. Nha Trang One never fails to deliver with its Vietnamese Cuisine oriented menu. One thing that people mainly think of in Vietnamese Cuisine is the ultimate seller, Pho. Coming into the restaurant, the whiff of aromatic spices, Hoisin sauce,Sirachi sauce, and the meaty broth lure people in. This usually speaks for itself as the restaurant is always full. As my family and I sit down, we already know what we want to order. As we get our bowls, I always admire the clean, yet fully flavored broth, sticky rice noodles, tender sliced beef pieces or chicken, and the fresh onions, scallions, and parsley on top. The broth is as life changing every time I take a sip of it, making me think it tastes better than last time, even though it probably has not changed much since I last went. Adding the essentials such as squeezing the lime, shredding up and inserting the basil, chili peppers and bean sprouts are very pleasing. Knowing that for every addition I put in, the broth is going to taste so much better, there is never too little or too much. It is always up to the person to put whatever he or she wants, but I always put everything in. Unfortunately, for me, I am allergic to bean sprouts, but for this type of meal, I will always sacrifice my throat, nose, and lip irritations for an orgasmic eight minutes. For me, I always order the largest bowl a Pho restaurant has to offer, and I always end up finishing it. Nha Trang One offers a very generous bowl and as I finish the last sip of the broth, I always feel accomplished and drained. Nha Trang One is a place I find myself going to consistently, even though it is an hour drive in heavy New York City traffic, it is worth every minute.

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