Pho Saigon

phosaigonAfter a long hour and a half session of church, having a bowl of pho from Pho Saigon is something my family and I crave deeply. Located in Springfield, Massachusetts, this restaurant is the second restaurant we usually go to when we are present there. Although the main hub we go to now is Bamboo House down the road, Pho Saigon was the previous hub and is worth the mention. Located in a sketchy area, but definitely worth the stop. The parking lot lingers of the pho aroma and can lure pedestrians walking by to stop for a bowl. Walking in, the place has the classic strong aroma of ginger, cinnamon, beef broth cooking in the back. The classic glass tables with the white cloth and brown table legs underneath are sorted with sriracha sauce, hoisin sauce, chopstick container, soup spoon container, and napkins. The service was very quick and the steaming extra-large bowl came out with a disappointing size, but made up with the strong aroma. The broth was a thick, but clean and as I slurped a spoonful, I was thrown into a trance of a strong flavorful beef. The pho was a basic one as it contained the beef meatball and thinly sliced beef. The beef was also given generously as I ate through the bowl, the noodle portion and beef portion were consistent as I finished the broth. However, as I finished the first bowl, I was left unsatisfied until I had a second one. The bowls were too small to be considered an extra-large. I decided to order a large bowl since I didn’t want to overstuff my stomach, but I soon discovered it was no different than the extra-large that I had previously. I quickly downed the second bowl and was able to feel fulfilled. I would definitely recommend this restaurant to anybody stopping by Springfield, but be prepared to drop money on two large bowls.

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